
A row of buildings with a sky backgroundThe Colington Harbour Association (CHA) office is located in the Colington Harbour clubhouse. Administrative staff office hours: 9-4:30 November – March and 9-5 when daylight savings time goes into effect. The office is also open Saturdays from 9-12 in the summer from Memorial Day weekend to Labor Day weekend. 

For all questions, billing inquiries, including all property-related issues (e.g. building permits, vehicle stickers, neighbors violating covenants), please contact the CHA office at 252-441-5886 or by email at [email protected].

About the CHA:

The Board of Directors consists of seven volunteers elected by the property owners within the community. The Board’s actions are bound by our Restrictive Covenants,  Bylaws, and the NC Statute regarding Homeowners Associations.

The Board is responsible for:

  • Managing the community’s common property elements (private roads, amenities, marina, etc.);
  • Ensuring the compliance of the established standards of the community via its governing documents; and
  • Promoting the well-being of Colington Harbour as a whole.

We welcome all property owners at our bi-monthly meetings and encourage you to email the Board at [email protected] with your concerns and suggestions.